
Let's listen to the bells suspended at various heights swing and ring, is that polyrhythm? Let's listen to the flow of a stream and the wind in the foliage, is that polyrhythm? Listening to the heartbeat and the movement of breathing, is that polyrhythm? Let's watch the clouds high and low, is that? Let's listen to the birds and while walking, listen to the footsteps in the fallen leaves, is that? Listening to a child speak at the same time as an adult, is that? Let's imagine the same dance, or steps at the same speed, one unfolding on a train traveling at 100 km/h, the other on solid ground, is that? Let's imagine this same scene and add the image of this scene on our planet in double movement, rotating on itself and around the sun: is that polyrhythm? What is the common denominator between two elements? Let's imagine the aging of a rock, a tree, a bird, a flower, a butterfly, and imagine our own aging, all simultaneously, then add the aging of the sun: is that polyrhythm? Let's imagine the cycle of seasons, the day/night cycle, and the cycle of the moon, is that? Let's imagine all cosmic cycles simultaneously: is that polyrhythm?